Putting It Together: Logging, Sorting, Editing

We made a great deal of progress on our documentary last week. In addition to both nights of practice, two of us followed a Special Olympics athlete as he celebrated his 11th birthday at a restaurant. The main challenges have been technology-related, as we’ve experienced some problems with using DSLR cameras for HD video. My CompactFlash card holds 16 gigabytes (even less than that, actually), and that fills up after about an hour or so of solid recording. Fortunately, the footage we have been getting is beginning to show the slightest bit of direction in terms of the story we want to tell. The documentary was originally envisioned as another way to look at competition; but in the course of reporting and just talking to families, we’ve discovered something a little more nuanced. I’m not sure what it is, but I know we have something special. I am looking forward to finishing main shooting and moving toward editing and post-production.

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